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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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  • "Pupils of all ages respond diligently to teachers’ high expectations."


SPARK Curriculum

Following a comprehensive review of the unique issues facing our school, we have completely revised our provision to ensure that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum, of the highest quality, that serves the diverse needs of our pupils.   Our curriculum is based on a SPARK - to ignite the fire of life-long learning. Our curriculum is:

Stimulating. We use ‘hooks’ that excite, engage and inspire. We build on children’s interests. We provide opportunities to study some areas in more depth. We ensure breadth of curriculum to nurture a range of talents. We make good use of modern technology.

Purposeful. We consider an end purpose to our topics in order to make learning real and motivational. We build on real life experiences and develop key skills.


Aspirational. We believe that all learners can achieve. We try to nurture a positive attitude to learning and the acquisition of key skills. We want children to aspire to good employment. Our approaches are based on thorough research.

Relevant. Our curriculum is based in the real world. It is designed to take account of barriers faced by our learners. It is current. It reflects our distinctive community and supports the personal development of our pupils.

Knowledge-based. Children will develop their knowledge through a progressive curriculum which deliberately covers some areas in depth. We want children to learn to love gaining knowledge. The accumulation of knowledge is supported by the acquisition of key skills.

For more information about our curriculum intent, implementation and impact, please click on the tabs on this page.

If you would like more information about our curriculum, please download our Curriculum Statement below or ask at the School Office.


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