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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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Pride - Proud to Celebrate Diversity 2024

During the week beginning 10th June we celebrated 'Pride - Proud to Celebrate Diversity'. 

In Foundation, Year One and Year Two they looked at the story of 'Elmer' by D McKee. They looked at how we are all special and unique and how it is important to be proud of who we are. In PSHE they explored families and how families can differ. They created Elmers that represented their interests and their talents. 

All classes in Key Stage Two participated in workshops with 'Diversity Role Models'. In Years Three and Four they read the book 'The Spectacular Suit' by K Patrick, exploring the different ways we can be proud of who we are and how we can express ourselves. They created poetry focusing on what 'Diversity' means to them. 

In Years Five and Six they created messages of support and inspiration about being yourself, as well as creating blackout poems using snippets of text. Year Six read 'The Secret Sunshine Project' by B Dean.

At the end of the week children came to school in brightly coloured clothes that reflected their personality. We held a Rainbow Parade where we sang songs that celebrated differences as well as sharing the amazing work we had created during the week.  




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