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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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  • "Pupils understand the meaning and importance of respect. This is reflected in the very strong relationships that exist between pupils and adults."


Physical & Mental Health, Emotional Well-being and Safety

At BHPS, we are committed to providing a healthy and caring environment which promotes children’s personal, social and emotional well-being.

Through our PSHCE curriculum, we aim to support children to develop fully as individuals and as members of families and communities.  Parents and carers play a vital role in ensuring that their children keep themselves healthy and safe but it is often difficult to access appropriate parental support and guidance.

If you have any concerns about your child’s emotional well-being or safety, please speak to Mr Taylor, Mrs White or your child’s class teacher. 

We also hope you find the following websites useful sources of information.

Childline - help and advice about a wide range of issues



Young Minds Mental Health Support -

Mind Ed Mental Health Suppport -

Counselling and Support for Young People -

Self Harm Support -


Thinkuknow E Safety -

Safer Internet Centre -

Childnet -



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