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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

  • Sitemap
  • Text Only Version
  • "Pupils understand the meaning and importance of respect. This is reflected in the very strong relationships that exist between pupils and adults."



New to the school?

The PTA is a voluntary organisation made up  of parents, teachers and school staff.

All parents at BHPS are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA supports the school by raising funds to help us to make our children’s experience at BHPS as rich as it can be. The PTA also hold events for parents and children which are great fun and bring us together as a community. A parent information leaflet Welcome to the PTA  explains how every parent can contribute.  This is available by clicking on the link below or by contacting the school office. 

How can you get involved?
There are many ways to get involved. It’s a good way to meet other parents and to find out what’s going on at school. Come along to a meeting or contact the chair or secretary. All parents are welcome.

You could……

  1. Volunteer to help at an event – we always need people to help at events, whether it’s making cakes, staffing a stall or sweeping the floor.
  2. Organise an event
  3. Come to the meetings
  4. Talk to your child’s teacher

PTA Social Website - Sign up to help at PTA events 

Please take a moment to sign up to PTA Social - we hope that this will be a good tool to get more people involved. It will have all PTA dates and jobs broken down into bite size chunks - so come on - give it a try!  Click on the logo below to sign up to our school account.

The AGM is at the beginning of every Autumn term and officers are voted in or volunteer.

To find out what is happening please look at the PTA school noticeboard and this page on a regular basis.

PTA Contact



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