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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

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  • "Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive good support. Staff adapt the curriculum to take account of these pupils’ needs, in consultation with parents. Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school."


Governor Statement for 2022/23

Role of Governors
The role of the governing body is very much central to the leadership of the school, although often unseen by parents and other members of the community. This statement is one way in which the governors can explain their role in school leadership, the impact which they have on school improvement and their activities.

The governing body is made up of a dedicated group of volunteers who invest a large amount of their time for the sole purpose of improving the education experience of each and every child in our school. They come from a variety of backgrounds, some education, some business, some local community; most, though not all, have children currently in our school, or have had children ‘pass through’. Some have been governors, in this school or others, for many years and some have recently joined.  All, however, share the same common aim.

The Government have high expectations for school governing bodies and assume that all are highly skilled and motivated individuals who focus on supporting the headteacher and senior leadership team to shape the strategic direction of the school. As governors, we are accountable for the performance of our school, and we are measured by three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the headteacher and leadership team accountable for the performance of the school and it's pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school by ensuring that money is well spent.

Nottinghamshire County Council provides comprehensive training for governors on a wide variety of topics and at a number of venues across the County, generally in the evening or at weekends. Governors at Bramcote have always taken responsibility for their own training and normally attend workshops on topics related to their own areas of responsibility and degree of experience. Governors are often invited to attend in house staff training events and at least once a year have a whole governor training event in school. This is normally on a current ‘hot topic’ and staff are also invited to attend should they wish.  In addition, Governors are able to access online learning provided by The National College.

The structure of the Governing body at Bramcote Hills Primary
The Governing body at BHPS has a membership of 12. Membership consists of parent governors, co-opted governors, staff governors and the headteacher. 

2022 saw the appointment of a new staff governor to replace the member whose term of office had come to an end.

In addition to the full governing body (which meets once a term or additionally if required), there are three main sub-committees at Bramcote: the Finance and General Purposes, the Pupils and Personnel and the Strategic Development.

The responsibilities of each of the above are somewhat self-explanatory but briefly the F&GP keeps an eye on the budget and spending together with the upkeep of the buildings and the grounds, health and safety also comes within their remit. P&P has responsibility for the pupils and staff and main focus of SDC is the academic performance of the school. The sub-committees generally meet twice a term. Additionally, there is a Discipline Committee and a Pay Committee who meet as required. Governors generally sit on at least one sub-committee.

During 2022-23 academic year the F&GP committee has looked at and agreed a very tight budget and continue to monitor spend very closely.  The P&P committee has been active in recruitment and monitoring behaviour, whilst the SDC has spent much of its time looking at and monitoring academic performance, both through in-house, local authority and Ofsted data. 

Full governor meetings have held the headteacher to account through his termly report, looking at all aspects of school life but in particular whole school academic performance, both current and future. Governors also carry out an annual headteacher appraisal which is monitored through termly meetings. Targets are set which are linked to current school priorities, as are the targets for all members of staff.

Additional governor responsibilities
In addition to participation in the above all governors hold individual responsibilities for specific, usually academic, areas. All make regular visits to school and work closely with the appropriate member of staff.

Links to other schools
2016 saw governors approve a formal link with the George Spencer Teaching Schools Alliance which gives access to a wide range of training and advice, mainly aimed at teaching staff but, it is hoped, will also be open eventually to governors. 2017 saw a formal collaborative link with the White Hills Park family of schools to further help to develop school, staff and governors within the group.  Now a few years in, this link continues to develop and is showing to be a great asset to all local schools.


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