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Bramcote Hills Primary School

Make The Future Better For All

  • Sitemap
  • Text Only Version
  • "Behaviour in lessons and around school is impressive. Pupils in all year groups have highly positive attitudes to learning. Pupils are kind and respectful to each other and to adults."


Curriculum Implementation

Our Curriculum Statement clearly outlines how we address some of the identified issues facing the school. Our revised Teaching and Learning Policy reflects careful research and current pedagogy to ensure consistent, vibrant and engaging teaching across the school. Our policy describes twelve key features of our approach which are:

  • Climate for learning
  • Making links to prior learning
  • Vocabulary
  • Challenge
  • Explanation
  • Questioning
  • Modelling
  • Practice
  • Feedback
  • Metacognition
  • Mastery
  • Active learning

Click on the documents below to view the learning experiences that excite, hook, inspire and engage children in each of our year groups.


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